Following the broad sweep of history and answering the questions:
What is true?
What is important?
What, now, shall we do?
Biblical Worldview - whatnow2do

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Coming Soon

Here is a list of our upcoming series of live online video conference Christian studies. They are focused on three goals; i) a closer walk with God in this earthly realm, ii) being equipped for the Great Commission, and iii) preparation for eternal life in the Kingdom of God.

1. Worldview / The ultimate exploration of Worldview, and why it is important / Colson, Warren

2. Courageous / Strategies for thriving in a hostile world / Jeffress

3. The Practice Of The Presence of God / Brother Lawrence

4. The Revelation

5. The Ten Commandments

6. The 23rd Psalm

7. The Lord’s Prayer

8. The Apostle’s Creed

The weekly meetings are in English. All are welcome no matter how well they speak the language. We intend to study the material at a pace to allow thorough exploration, that we might learn from each other, and that we might all be better disciples.

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