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We Are Not Just Called To Abide

I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. John 15:5,8 NLT

We are called not only to abide in Christ, but also to be fruitful.

Our institutions are everywhere failing. Medicine. The academy. Free enterprise. Government. Sports and entertainment. The media. The biggest failure in this season has been the Church. It’s not a good look for the Church when pilots are showing more courage than most pastors (The Southwest Saga).

But we are each a member of the Body. Christ did not say ‘the Church is the branch.’ He said “you are the branch.” Every Believer. And we are called here not just to abide, but to be fruitful. Biblical zeal is not the same as passion. Zeal is rooted in something deeper than emotion. Passion will give you an opinion. Zeal will turn over the tables.

Let’s bring some glory to our Father. Today.

Let’s turn over a few tables. If not now, when?

#bearfruit #turningoverthetables

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