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Creation Knows The Voice That Spoke Into The Void

A familiar Bible passage tells us that things work together for good for those who love and follow Christ. Does this mean some things? A few things? Most things?

No. It means precisely what it says. All things.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” 8:28 NKJV

Here is an example of ‘all things’ from God’s providence.* After a failed murder plot, Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt. Joseph’s faith in God never wavered. While in Egypt, Joseph is thrown in prision on false accusations. Joseph’s faith in God never wavered. Serendipitously, Joseph ends up as second in command of Egypt, and, through foresight (see: wisdom), saves the country from the ravages of a 7 year famine. And sets in motion the events that lead to the Exodus.

Begining to see a pattern here?

Here is Joseph speaking to his brothers near the end of the famine (circa 1700 BC):

“But Joseph told them, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, to judge and punish you? As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil, for he brought me to this high position I have today so that I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. Indeed, I myself will take care of you and your families.” And he spoke very kindly to them, reassuring them..” Genesis 50:19-21 TLB

All things. I’m just saying.

*See more on the providence of God here.

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