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On Fellowship With God /2

What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join with us in the fellowship that we have with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3 GNT

Yesterday’s post (On Fellowship With God /1) provided some context on fellowship. Here are some fellowship life-hacks for its practice:

Begin With The End In Mind:
1. Fill your head with scripture so you will understand immediately what God is saying.
2. Don’t let wrong-doing compromise your fellowship with God. Confess your sin and turn away from it today.
3. If you are not hearing much from God, go back to the last whisper you received and follow it to the letter. Perhaps by faithfully executing His last command, a new nudging will have space to emerge.
4. Whenever you find yourself on the receiving end of God’s promptings, be sure to obey no matter the cost. Don’t let fear or doubt rob you of one bit of what God has in store for you. He assigns tasks to the right person every time. Thank God for trusting you.

Hearing God, Creating Time And Space:
1. Set a daily appointment. Keep it.
2. Enter into God’s presence humbly and with reverence for His majesty. Be still and worship.
3. Pray and read.
4. Listen and write (Psalm 45:1, 1 Chronicles 28:19).

How To Know If It Is God Speaking:
1. Is it consistent with the character of God? Does it square with who you know Him to be?
2. Is it scriptural? Galatians 5:16-23.
3. Is it wise?
4. Does it promote love?
5. Is it strengthening?
6. Is it in tune with your character (how you are wired)?
7. Is it consistent with your SHAPE? (Note1)
8. Does it pass the Godly counsel test: what do the people you trust the most think about it?
9. Do you sense God’s peace?

Come let us fellowship together.

Note 1: We each have a different SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart (passion), God given Abilities, Personality, and Experiences).

Adapted from Frequency, Tune In. Hear God., Robert Morris, from Whispers, Bill Hybels, and from @gotquestions.

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