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The Miracle of Obedience

Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say. Luke 5:5

If your common sense were enough to successfully follow God, there would be no reason for His Spirit to indwell you or His Word to inform you. But it’s not. Recognize that God’s ways are not your ways, which means He probably won’t lead you in the way you expect (Isaiah 55:8–9). His plans will always confound your understanding (Proverbs 3:5–6).

This was the case for Peter, who fished all night and caught nothing. When Jesus instructed him to go back out on the Sea of Galilee, he was reticent. After all, he was weary, he’d just cleaned his nets, and Jesus wasn’t a fisherman. Frankly, what the Savior asked made no sense from his human perspective. Thankfully, Peter obeyed Jesus anyway, and it changed his life forever (Luke 5:1–11).

The same will be true for you when you submit to the Lord. Do as He says even when His direction seems illogical. Because when you do things His way, you’ll get His results. And those are miracles you don’t want to miss.

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