Father, we stop at this moment and look to You, the source of all life, the source of all grace, all meaning, and all purpose. We love You and we offer our lives as a living sacrifice to You. Use Your grace now through us, to heal us in our relationship with You. Father, we acknowledge this is a continuing process, because we get good days, and we get bad days. But even on the bad days Father, even through suffering, we come to know You even better. So continue to draw us to yourself and reconcile us to You.
But then Father, also use us as ambassadors of reconciliation. Use us to bring Your wonderful message to others. Let us be healing agents in a society that is torn apart. Let us be people who live out the truth in an age in which people say that there is no such thing as truth. Use our lives, Father, to heal not only our relationships in our family, but our relationships with our neighbors, and the relationships in our country. Use Your church to that end.
And now Father we ask You to help us. Help us to get rid of anything that stands in the way of our relationship with You. Whatever it is You are asking us to give up, let us surrender it. We lay it on the altar. We say simply Father it is yours. Anything You ask of us.
And most of all we give up the thing hardest for us to give up. Harder than money, harder than all the pleasures, toys, games. We give ourselves. We lay ourselves on the altar. Take us Father and use us. Use our lives to advance Your Kingdom. Make us agents of reconciliation and peace and healing all around us. We give You all the praise and thanks and honor and glory. In the mighty name of Him who went to the cross in our place and set us free, Jesus the Christ. Amen
Chuck Colson (1931 – 2012) Adapted