Be Faithful
God is. Faithfulness is an attribute of God, an essential part of who He is. God does not have to work at being faithful, He
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God is. Faithfulness is an attribute of God, an essential part of who He is. God does not have to work at being faithful, He
I will praise the LORD who counsels me – even at night my conscience instructs me. I keep the LORD in mind always. Because He
God of waters.God of the sky.God in the morning.God in the night.God of the desert.God of the rain.God in the busy.God in the mundane.God of
By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you. 2 Timothy 1:14 In April of 458 BC, as Ezra
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. Corrie ten Boom (1892 – 1983) Corrie ten Boom knew something about both
You make mountains move.You make giants fall.And You use songs of praiseto shake prison walls.I will speak to my fear.I will preach to my doubtYou
The lion’s share of world-changing work is done by ordinary people who will never make headlines. They simply live faithful lives where God has placed